We believe that the customer
deserves the best and most
efficient support,
specially when the subject is your assets.
We believe that the customer
deserves the best and most
efficient support,
specially when the subject is your assets.
The customers we have been supporting in foreign exchange operations, that tried to worked with other banks in Brasil, have reported the following unpleasent experiences:
– Customer support only happens by email, or a phone call that takes forever to respond, and when it answers, shows few evidence that they understand how to resolve the problem;
– Request too many documents. Way more than necessary;
– Overcharge;
– Take days to actually solve the problem;
– Bank’s insterests are more important than customer’s.
For reasons like this that we created the foreign exchange services business unit.
And after 5 years of FX experience, we added other financial services to complete out portfolio, which now includes Credit loans, investiments, Derivatives and others.

Company was founded in 2010, by Rodolfo Sanson, that has been working the last 20 years in Sales, supporting companies and customers, through sales representation of local and foreign companies.During all this time focusing on the CLIENT, and not on the companies he represented, he customized a type of service focused on the principles of COPAT:
- ANTICIPATION OF NEEDS(... and not just offering what we have on the shelf)
In 2001, he migrated to the oil and gas area, where he worked in several commercial areas such as maintenance services for equipment for drilling oil wells. During 10 years of this journey, he worked in an industry of his family, where he served national and foreign companies that operated in Brazil. Through the exchange with foreign clients, he learned the best way to deal with clients from outside the country, always delivering the best solution and creating ties with great people and companies from all over the world. Always aiming for the best result, he delivered what are today considered the pillars of Cambará: Organization, effectiveness and efficiency.
Acquisition of Federal and State and Municipal precatories, under consultation
Acquisition of credit rights
Corporate credit for stressed assets
We bought the debt of the company that made M & amp; A, distress to equity
Credit Arbitration
Acquisition of non-performing loan portfolios
All types of credit lines for operations over R $ 35m, audited balance sheet companies, and in the future over R $ 300m, with possible guarantees such as: personal investments of the partners (custody migration, do not dismantle the operation), real estate , endorsements and other collateral instruments.
M&A – advice on corporate transactions with financial flow
Issuance of shares (ECM equity capital markets) – IPO, follow on, block of shares
DCM – issuance of debt to market: debentures, when the bank has a sell side mandate to organize and look for a buyer for the company – the customer is always the entrepreneur
Purchase of corporate properties, Logistic distribution center 35 km from the main highways or capitals, store in shopping mall, all with current lease / rental agreement – the property must be performing
Fund of Funds, Industry (sales and Lease back)
Land, empty building yes, in SP
We offer liquidity or purchase of the asset
Judicial bail insurance
Insurance and reinsurance involving assets of great financial value
Allows the client to operate all types of assets, futures and funds under subscription
Uses Purching platform (US $ 33Tri in assets)
Offers Credit Card, debit and wire, home broker, etf – minimum ticket US $ 250,000
There is no charge for opening. In only a few cases does he charge $ 13 custody / month
Offers wealth planning service to a client over US $ 50M with tax advice at no cost to the client
BTG is bond market maker for latin america
Credit loans
Nested credit lines for Individuals and Companies, in the values between R$1M and R$10M through Banco BS2.
Individuals or Companies
Separate lines of credit above R$30M for individuals or legal entities through Banco BTG Pactual
We operate for both individuals and corporations in the Commercial Exchange
Operation with Bitcoin;
etc …);